Know more about dental problems and solutions

Dental Implants

Invisible Braces

Smile Makeover

Painless Root Canal Treatments

Gum disease

Dental surgery

About ICDC - Best Dental Clinic in Mumbai

Our centre is known as International Centre for Dental Care (ICDC) & is situated in Bandra(Mumbai) & his mission is to provide the most up-to-date general dentistry for the entire family.

Besides this, we have the facilities for advanced dental treatment at par with anywhere in the world in every specialty. Our hygiene standard has to be experienced as we raised the bar.

Special Guest

Features Making Difference

Global Expertise

Our customer base consist customers from various part of the world. It’s our quality treatment which helped ICDC to grow globally.

Using Innovative

All our surgeries are furnished with state of the art equipment and maintained at the highest standards.

Guarantee Success
of Treatments

Most of our treatments are covered by a long term guarantee which will be discussed with you before beginning treatment.

Highly Qualified Dentist & Specialist

With over 37 years of dental experience and experience with implants, we are experts in all facets of dentistry.

Our clinic provide the EMI facilty on credit cards to our patients and accept all type of Debit/Credit cards.

of experience
Patients Treated

The Real Treatment

Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story before 1
Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story after 1
Smile Design / Aesthetic Dentistry Treatment

Smile Correction in 8 Days

Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story before 4
Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story after 4
Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Dental Cripple of a 65 Years Old.
Now Looks like 45 Years Old.

Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story before 3
Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story after 3
Smile Design / Aesthetic Dentistry Treatment

Beautiful Smile / Aesthetic Dentistry

Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story before 1
Best Dentist in Mumbai, success story after 1
Smile Design / Aesthetic Dentistry Treatment

Crooked Teeth Correction with a Natural Look in 10 Days


We have Mastery in Painless Root Canal Treatments
Nowadays Root canal therapy has gone high-tech recently, making the procedure as easy as possible for both patients and dentists!

Tooth Sensitivity refers to the feeling of discomfort or sudden, sharp pain when you eat or drink something sweet, hot, cold or sour.
In most cases they are a result of worn out tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots or in some cases could be a warning sign of a more serious dental problem.
To know more about it Click Here

Flossing essentially means to clean in between teeth. It removes plaque and food particles in between teeth, especially in places where the toothbrush cannot reach. It significantly reduces gum disease which is basically bleeding from the gums when done along with tooth brushing.
To know more about it Click Here

Online Appointment
